

The Kingdom of Northumbria (i.e., Norþanhymbra / Norþhymbre) was situated in areas now composed of Northern England and Southeast Scotland. The name is derived from the southern border, defined by the Humber estuary.

Rise of Northumbria

  1.  Map of “Northumbria“, Wikipedia


  • Bernicia
    1. Esa / Oesa
    2. Eoppa
    3. Ida
    4. Glappa / Clappa
    5. Adda
    6. Æþelric
    7. Theodric
    8. Frithuwald
    9. Hussa
    10. Æþelfrith
    11. Edwin (616-632); Deira dynasty
    12. Eanfrith (632-633); Bernicia dynasty
    13. Oswald (634-642); Bernicia dynasty
    14. Oswiu (642-654); Bernicia dynasty
  • Deira
    1. Ælla / Ælli
    2. Æþelric / Ædilric
    3. Æþelfrith (593/604-616); ; Bernicia dynasty
    4. Edwin (616-632); Deira dynasty
    5. Osric
    6. Oswald
    7. Oswiu
    8. Oswine
    9. Æþelwold
    10. Oswiu
    11. Alchfrith
    12. Ælfwine
  • Northumbria
    1. Oswiu
    2. Ecgfrith
    3. Aldfrith / Ealdfrith / Aldfrid
    4. Eadwulf
    5. Osred I
    6. Coenred
    7. Osric
    8. Ceolwulf
    9. Ceolwulf
    10. Eadberht
    11. Oswulf / Osulf
    12. Æþelwald Moll
    13. Alhred
    14. Æþelred I
    15. Ælfwald I
    16. Osred II
    17. Æþelred I (790-796); restored
    18. Osbald
    19. Eardwulf
    20. Ælfwald II / Elfwald II
    21. Eardwulf
    22. Eanred
    23. Æþelred II (ca. 854-858)
    24. Rædwulf
    25. Æþelred II (ca. 858-862); restored
    26. Osberht / Osbert (848/9-862/3); deposed
    27. Ælle II (862/3/7-867); usurper, killed by Danes
    28. Osberht / Osbert (867-867); killed by Danes
  • Northumbria / Norse Era
    1. Ecgberht (867-872)
    2. Ricsige
    3. Ecgberht II
    4. Guðroðr
    5. Sigfroðr
    6. Knútr
    7. Æþelwold
    8. Hálfdan, Eowils, Ingwær
    9. Eadwulf II
    10. Ealdred
    11. Ragnall ua Ímair
    12. Sigtrygg Caech
    13. Æþelstan of Wessex
    14. Amlaib mac Gofraid
    15. Amlaib Cuarán
    16. Ragnall mac Gofraid
    17. Eadmund of Wessex
    18. Eric
    19. Amlaib Cuarán (949-952; again
    20. Eric (952-954); again
    21. Eadred of Wessex (954- )

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